For Birdfy Feeder and Birdfy Cam, there are two storage options: cloud and SD card.
1. Cloud Storage: You can store motion detection events for free or with a subscription. Free events are 20 seconds long and last for 30 days. Subscribed events are 30 seconds long and last for up to 60 days. For more information, please check
2. SD card: You can also use a Class 10 microSD card (up to 128 GB) to store videos locally. A 128G microSD card can hold 700 to 1056 hours of videos. This option does not affect the length of motion detection events, which are still 20 seconds long without a subscription. It only gives you more control over your videos.
For Birdfy Feeder Bamboo, Birdfy Nest and Birdfy Hum Feeder, videos are automatically stored in the cloud.